Implant Consultation
If you’re ready to permanently restore your smile from tooth loss, dental implants are a top-rated solution! Start with a free consultation with our team to design a customized dental treatment plan for your smile.
Are missing teeth wreaking havoc on your bite? Just one missing tooth can significantly alter the alignment of all of the other teeth in your mouth. Like books sitting side by side on a shelf, taking one out of place provides ample opportunity for all of its neighbors to lean inward.
- Eliminate the need to reshape neighboring teeth, as when placing a fixed bridge
- Stand independently of other teeth, making them easy to care for
- Have the potential to last for the rest of your life
- Are so strong, that as few as four of them can be used to support a full mouth denture (All-on-4)
- Use biocompatible materials that function as an artificial tooth root and encourage new bone growth around them
Dental Implants in Action: Meet Faye
Faye is one of Dr. Hoffman’s typical dental implant patients. She had been wearing a denture since she was around 18 years old. For nearly 40 years, she suffered with chronic sore spots and poor aesthetics associated with her denture.
At the age of 62, she came to Dr. Hoffman because she just couldn’t take it anymore. Dr. Hoffman recommended All-on-4 dentures to replace her teeth all at once, with a slimmer and permanently secured prosthesis. Faye is thrilled with the results and was excited to share her story!
Restoring Your Smile
The number of implants that you need will depend on how many teeth you have missing or how many need to be removed due to disease or fractures. In theory, implants are designed to mimic the feel and function of natural teeth. They eliminate the need for bulky, removable prosthetics. After being surgically implanted into your jaw, new bone grows around your implant to fuse it into place.
A few months later, the implant is uncovered and an abutment is affixed to it. Your fixed restoration is attached to the abutment. Here are just a few of the types of implant restorations that Dr. Hoffman uses:
- Individual Porcelain Crowns – Instead of having to file down your other teeth to place a traditional bridge, a single implant and crown will look and function like a brand new tooth. Your porcelain crown will be color matched to neighboring teeth, so that it doesn’t stand out. Plus, they can save you money over time as opposed to having to replace a traditional bridge one or two times in the future.
- Fixed Bridges – Rather than wearing a removable partial denture, implant supported bridges allow you to easily replace up to three or four teeth at one time, on just two implants.
- All-on-4 Dentures/Implant Supported Dentures – Dr. Hoffman provides a variety of implant supported and retained options. These can include a removable denture that snaps over locators for added security through the day, or a permanently anchored All-on-4 denture that is only removable by your dentist.
Am I a Candidate for Dental Implants?
Find out how a new set of dental implants can help you enjoy comfort, improved health, and greater confidence. Call us today to schedule an exam.